It is understood that the prices, terms or conditions in this Estimating Guide are to serve as a guide for our customers. Customers are encouraged to confirm the availability and prices of materials. Prices stated in this book will be honored for 30 days from publication.
The Chas. E. Phipps Company makes no claims or warranty as to the liability of any product for a particular application. Our warranty terms are set forth in full on our sales invoice.
Delivery is to be made at the curb, except where a solid driveway is provided to the point of delivery. In the event of delivery beyond the curb line, the customer will arrange for prompt unloading, assume all responsibility for the unloading and all liability for damage to sidewalks, driveways and other property.
Any and all claims of short count of weight and any and all claims of defective or improper materials must be made immediately upon receipt of materials, so that they can be investigated promptly; otherwise any and all such claims are deemed waived and released.
The customer is to give us shipping instructions a reasonable time before shipments are to be made. We will not be responsible for delays in manufacturing, delivery, or shipping materials caused by Strikes, Accidents, Fires, Breakdowns, Failure of Machinery, Car Shortages, Labor Scarcity, Labor Agitation, Acts of God, or any other causes beyond our control.
If the customer’s financial responsibility or credit standing becomes unsatisfactory or impaired, or the method of paying the account becomes unsatisfactory to us, we reserve the right to require payment in advance, or give us satisfactory security or guarantee that our invoices will be promptly paid when due. If such assurance is not given, we retain the right to cancel the order.
All taxes, assessments or any other charges imposed or to be subsequently imposed, by any government authority, shall be paid by the customer.
No material will be accepted for returns after 30 days from the invoice date. A 20% handling charge will be imposed on all materials returned.
Terms: Net 30 days from date of invoice.
A 1% interest charge per month (12% per year) on all balances thirty (30) days from date of invoice will be assessesed. Ohio prompt pay act (Ohio revised code 4113.61) and the Ohio lien law will be enforced.
All prices are F.O.B. Chas. E. Phipps Yard unless other arrangements are made.
The Chas. E. Phipps Company strives to comply with all standards. Material Safety Data Sheets and other product literature are available and offered for all our products. We encourage our customers to request and use such information for the products they purchase.