Rilem Tube Putty Adhesive - Water Penetration Testing

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Rilem Tube Adhesive B-13 Putty - .5 lb Package
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Product Description

It has become increasingly apparent that Custom Masonry Units present some unique challenges with respect to water intrusion. The high porosities and the large capillaries in these units render many traditional water-repellent technologies ineffective. Not only has water-repellent technology evolved to address these challenges, but also field-testing procedures have now been revised to incorporate techniques suitable for these materials.

The traditional RILEM tube has been the mainstay of field testing procedures for many manufacturers of water-repellent products. It allows for the only practical, rapid, nondestructive evaluation of comparative water-repellency in the field. Properly conducted, the test procedure allows for a quantitative evaluation of water repellency of both the masonry unit and the unit/mortar interfaces.

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