Product Description
Paraseal is a sheet waterproofing membrane consisting of 15 mils of HDPE and expandable, granular bentonite. The composite weight of the material is up to 1.0 lb/ft², creating a dual waterproofing system.
Paraseal is designed for use on backfilled walls. It may be used on damp orgreen concrete. Alternative versions of Paraseal are available for lagging, split slab, under slab and methane barrier conditions.
- The nature of the Paraseal waterproofing system also allows for installation over green or damp surfaces accelerating the construction process.
- The bentonite can expand up to 8 times its original thickness to stop water that may make it past the HDPE layer, providing a second layer of protection.
Contact us for Data and Safety Data Sheet documentation
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- Phone: 877-946-6668
- Text: 216-641-2150