About Phipps
Since 1921 The Chas. E. Phipps Company has helped contractors put work in place correctly and profitably by supplying high-quality, innovative products and equipment, technical expertise, and trusted service. Phipps distributes concrete accessories, concrete repair materials, sealants, and coatings to contractors so they can build or repair industrial and commercial buildings, infrastructure, concrete wearing surfaces, or the building envelope.
Our Mission
Phipps helps contractors put work in place correctly and profitably by supplying high quality and innovative products and equipment, technical expertise, and trusted service.
Our Vision
Customers and suppliers will consider Phipps to be a first choice distributor of high quality and innovative construction products and equipment. Phipps also will provide employees with the opportunity to have a fulfilling work experience.

A brief history
Records show Charles E. Phipps brokering train car loads of concrete sand andbrick sand to Cleveland contractors such as Samuel Austin & Son Co., Bolton &
Pratt, and Sam. W. Emerson Co. as well as manufacturers such as The American
Steel & Wire Co and U.S. Gypsum.
Charles E. Phipps and partners incorporate The Chas. E. Phipps Company andlocate at 7700 Harvard Avenue Cleveland.
Newspaper headline “Charles E. Phipps is Concrete Silo Pioneer in Cleveland” heralded construction of five precast concrete silos adjacent to the Pennsylvania Railroad line. “Upon arrival of the cars on the elevated siding, each is placed over a pocket wherein is located a shuttle. Material (sand, slag, cinders, and crushed stone) dropping upon the shuttle is taken up by the conveyor buckets and carried to a track above the silos, where it is taken to the silo reserved for the particular material…” Chutes on the opposite side allowed trucks to be filled in less than a minute with materials destined for a Cleveland concrete or masonry project.1933
Step-son Melbourne W. Phipps joins firm after graduating fromOhio Wesleyan.
In addition to aggregates and cement, Phipps sells lime, brick tile, sewer pipe,and “Coupon Gas Oil.” Upon death of Charles Phipps in 1935, Mel Phipps
assumes presidency.
Mel Phipps serves stateside in the U.S. Army procuring war materials.After discharge as a major, he returns to Phipps which had been
managed by 4-5 employees.
Mel Phipps handles sales and Joseph Juszkiewicz, a U.S. Navy veteran,oversees operations. A 4000 SF warehouse replaces the silos, and Phipps
distributes expansion joint fillers, water-proofing, rolled insulation, plus sand
and cement.
Mid 1960’s-1979
Phipps becomes one of Tremco’s first U.S. distributors of itsconstruction sealants, and the product line becomes Phipps’
largest for several years. Twinsburg based Set Products names
Phipps as one of its first distributors for concrete repair products
and construction grouts.
Mel Phipps hires Gino Cribari as a driver and warehouseman, Gino is still withPhipps in 2020.
David Thomas, nephew of Mel Phipps, joins the firm as its 6themployee. In addition to serving as vice-president of sales, Thomas
begins to purchase the company. In 1980 Trina Hyatt joins Phipps in
operations and inside sales, and she continues with Phipps in 2020.
Phipps joined the Associated Construction Distributors International, a groupof North American distributors of construction products and equipment that
buy cooperatively and share best business practices.
Phipps becomes the Sika distributor in Cleveland. Upon MelPhipps’ death in August, David Thomas assumes the presidency.
Phipps begins to lease space in Waterville and then Toledo to servicecustomers in NW Ohio.
Phipps opens its current Perrysburg Ohio office and warehouse.2000
Phipps moves its Cleveland warehouse and office to 4560 Willow Parkway inCuyahoga Heights.
Phipps opens a branch in Canton Ohio under the leadership ofBen Brown, step-son of David Thomas, Bill Jandecka, and Brad Hicks.
Phipps begins renting floor preparation equipment, riding concrete trowelmachines, and other specialty equipment to contractors.
Phipps launches its first e-commerce website2017
In Cleveland Phipps secures the adjacent office and warehouseat 4570 Willow Parkway.
After 16 years at Phipps holding multiple roles in sales andmanagement, Ben Brown, stepson of David Thomas becomes
the companies 4th President.
June 1st, Phipps Acquires Columbus Ohio based Machinery & Tool Rentals, Inc (MTR).Expanding services throughout central and northern Ohio.